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The Bank of Namibia is hosting a two-day economic reporting workshop for northern journalists to enhance their capacity to report accurately and effectively on economic issues.

In her welcoming remarks, the Bank's Branch Manager at Oshakati, Moudi Hangula, says that by hosting such a workshop, the bank is also striving to promote transparency and open dialogue with the media countrywide.

She emphasises that the media plays a vital role in society by disseminating information and educating the nation about its presence. This role is instrumental and critical in shaping public opinions as well as holding institutions accountable."

"Our aim is to provide you with comprehensive information to support you in your mission to deliver accurate and insightful news to the Namibian public. We further hope that the media report workshop will serve as a platform for networking and collaboration among all participants."

Journalists will have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions and discussions with Central Bank experts and representatives from various departments to seek clarity on issues related to the functions of the bank, among others. 



Tonateni Haimbodi