

High school learners are advised to always know where they are coming from, who they are, and where they want to be.

This is to enable them to handle negative peer pressure.

UNAM lecturer Kaatere Tjiharuka advised learners at an encouragement event at Concordia College organised by the Ejameno Charity Organisation.

The learners who packed the dining hall were warned against bad behaviour, to guard against GBV, and to take their education seriously.

Tjiharuka also touched on topics such as mind simulation and enhancement of creativity as a way to liven the education process.

"The importance of behaviour is about how they act, especially as students, and students are expected to be a certain way. However, due to the influence of social media and the influence of alcohol and drugs, teachers here find students going out and that they could be out of school."

Member of Parliament Utaara Mootu motivated learners to put their education first.

"Education is not just a tool for knowledge but is a tool to enlighten ourselves with the ideologies that are out there, with skills that we can take, and with continuing to develop our skills to produce the best young people on the continent. So, education is very important."

She concluded by saying education builds one's self-esteem and discipline.



Lucy Nghifindaka