President Hage Geingob has appealed for the recommitment and upholding of human rights and the promotion of gender equality in commemoration of International Human Rights Day and Namibian Women's Day.

The two days are observed on December 10th every year.

Namibian Women's Day recognises the contributions and achievements of women throughout the country's history, while International Human Rights Day honours the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

The two days are intricately linked, as one lauds the first global enunciation of human rights and the other serves as a reminder of the bravery, resilience, strength, and leadership of Namibian women across sectors and generations.

President Geingob paid tribute to the inspiring actions of fearless Namibian women who, on this particular day in 1959, resisted the forced removal of people from the Old Location to Katutura by the South African apartheid regime.

He says Namibians are backed by profound memories of the remarkable journey of women, whose actions not only shaped a more just and inclusive society but also inspired the current and future generations of Namibian women to reach new heights.

The Head of State observed the progress Namibia has made in gender equality and recognised Namibia as a country that has done well in women's representation in Parliament and leadership positions.

Dr. Geingob, however, notes that more should be done to eliminate the challenges that women continue to face in various aspects of life, including gender-based violence, unequal access to opportunities, and societal biases.

He says the government remains committed to empowering women and the girl child while also addressing the needs of the boy child to end deeply rooted forms of discrimination that affect the most vulnerable people.

In the same vein, President Geingob called on Namibians and the world at large to reflect on the universal rights that bind the collective pursuit of justice, equality, and dignity in commemoration of International Human Rights Day.

He says these should not only be limited to fostering a culture of respect for human rights in the present day but should transcend into the future.

As a country that suffered genocide under German colonialism and fought apartheid rule under South Africa, Dr. Geingob reminded Namibians of their commitment to upholding these rights and freedoms for generations to come.

This commitment necessitates that Namibians hold hands in creating an inclusive and equitable society where everyone, irrespective of their ethnicity, race, gender, religion, or background, can enjoy basic rights and freedoms as enshrined in the Namibian Constitution.

International Human Rights Day is observed under the theme 'Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future', this year.


Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanch Goreses