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NC MPs raise concern on some parts of Marriage Bill


The National Council members still expressed reservations regarding the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage in Namibia, citing traditional norms where such unions were not historically recognised. 

They also continue to oppose the proposed age of consent of 18 years in the Marriage Bill, advocating for an older age requirement. The Redline marriages are another bone of contention in the chambers. 

MPs observed that the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage has stirred animosity among the populace and emerged as a significant concern for Namibians.

Career Guidance and University Readiness Conference concludes


Senior high school learners across Namibia have been exposed to a two-day Career Guidance and University Readiness Conference, which ended today (Wednesday).

The main aim of the meeting is to empower learners with guidance and tools to make confident future academic and professional choices.

This is the second edition of the NIRO Career Guidance and University Readiness Conference, following last year's inaugural meeting, which attracted over 300 learners from secondary schools in Namibia.

Amupanda advocates for infrastructure reform in Namibia


Professor Job Amupanda of the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) Movement says the movement has ideas on transforming Namibia’s infrastructure and addressing longstanding economic and developmental challenges. 

On his social media platforms, the politician criticised the government's post-independence policies, accusing them of merely maintaining systems established by the previous white administration; he particularly referenced the road infrastructure.

Kolmanskop comes alive with heritage attractions


The historic mining ghost town of Kolmanskop was brought back to life with the opening of three new attractions that highlight Namibia's rich heritage and artistic talent. 

The attractions include the world-renowned Ilford Gallery, the Kolmanskop Diamond Room, and the Kolmanskop Boutique. 

Originally set up as a railway station, the now deserted town of Kolmanskop is situated about ten kilometres from Luderitz. 

Namibia, Botswana to kick off military cooperation awareness campaign


The first civil-military cooperation awareness campaign, involving teams from Namibia and Botswana, will start next week.
The campaign, which will cover 23 villages in Namibia and 21 villages in Botswana, is aimed at educating communities living along the common Namibia-Botswana border on the importance of peaceful co-existence and good neighbourliness.

The campaign is part of a civil-military cooperation plan launched by the defence ministers of the two countries in June. 

SWAITEX urges Botswana, Namibia to diversify trade beyond diamonds


The Swakopmund International Trade Expo (SWAITEX) has opened with a call on Botswana and Namibia to enhance trade beyond diamonds.

During the official opening, Botswana's President, Dr. Mokgweetsi Masisi, said the bilateral trade primarily revolves around the exchange of diamonds, but a lot more can still be done.

The Presidents of Namibia and Botswana co-officiated the six-day event, aimed at promoting intra-African trade and investment.

President Nangolo Mbumba lauded the historic and modern relations between the two countries.

PG calls for measures to eradicate wildlife crimes


Wildlife crimes have become a national concern, threatening Namibia's national heritage and disturbing the environment and the ecosystem. 

Prosecutor General Martha Imalwa shared these sentiments during the annual Stakeholder Forum on Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement. 

Imalwa says the poachers continue to find new methods and tactics to continue poaching.

Therefore, there is a need for continuous, concerted, and innovative efforts to tackle wildlife and other environmental crimes.

Namibia commended for maintaining democracy


Namibia deserves applause for maintaining and strengthening democracy after only 34 years of independence.

The Secretary General of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora, says Namibia achieved this feat against the backdrop of a deteriorating state of democracy across the globe.

Dr. Casas-Zamora said this during a lecture he held on the "Global State of Democracy" in Windhoek.

Border communities sensitisation plan launched


A detailed plan targeting communities living along the common border of Namibia and Botswana was launched at Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi Region on Thursday.

The launch of the civil-military cooperation plan marks the beginning of a campaign to sensitise and inform people living along the border of the two countries on how mutual cooperation will be executed.

Launching the initiative, the Namibian Defence and Veteran Affairs Minister, Frans Kapofi, said it is testimony to a shared commitment to peace and security.