Amidst financial challenges, Namibia's national railway company, TransNamib, has demonstrated resilience, showcasing the enduring importance of railway transport in the country. 

Over the Christmas weekend, the company witnessed a notable surge in passenger numbers, underscoring the continued preference for rail travel.

Despite financial hurdles, TransNamib remains steadfast in providing essential freight and passenger services, playing a crucial role in connecting communities across Namibia.

During the Christmas weekend, the railway company experienced an uptick in passenger numbers, reflecting a positive trend and emphasizing the enduring appeal of railway transport.

Passengers cited safety and convenience as key factors influencing their choice of rail travel, particularly when accompanied by children or carrying substantial baggage. Families, eager for holiday festivities, expressed their excitement while recognising railway transport as a secure and reliable mode of travel.

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nbc Digital News


Richolene ǂOuses