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The Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, emphasised the importance of striving towards a crime-free Namibia for the benefit of both citizens and visitors.

Lieutenant General Shikongo says a crime-free environment attracts investors, leading to economic growth and the creation of numerous opportunities, such as job creation.

Speaking at a community engagement session at Oshakati, Lieutenant General Shikongo recognised the community as a strong pillar in the fight against crime.

He highlighted the significance of their involvement in solving and preventing crimes, which will create an enabling environment for investments that will trigger great benefits for the country and its people.

Inspector General Shikongo says the engagement session serves as a valuable platform for community members to voice their concerns and contribute to the collective effort to maintain public safety.

''And these people who are robbing people are doing it with impunity; they don't care. They will take the passports, IDs, and ATM cards; everything is gone. And at the end of the day, it's the image of our country, and this person, wherever they come from, will not tell a good story. Namibia is a terrible country. Namibians are terrible people, and what are we doing? We are damaging our economy; we are blocking the development of this country.''

During the meeting, community members expressed their concerns about safety, theft, and other related issues and also shared their ideas on best police practices to address these concerns effectively.

Oshana Governor Elia Irimari commended the Inspector General's initiative, stating that platforms such as these strengthen the bond between the police and communities.

"This event symbolises a new era of transparency, accountability, and collaboration between the police and the citizens they serve."

The police chief is expected to meet with the police personnel on Wednesday.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Ndapanda Shuuya