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Police at Tsumeb investigate theft of drought relief food


Drought Relief Food that went missing from the Tsumeb Constituency Office has caused unhappiness among the residents.

The food is worth N$100,000.

Tsumeb residents took to the streets to express their anger about the missing food, demanding answers from their councillor, Gottlieb Ndjendjela, without further delay.

Two officials from the constituency office are said to be implicated, and the matter is currently under investigation by the police.

Over 300 people who took part in the demonstration blamed the councillor for negligence.

Police IG disappointed by poor performance in Kavango East


Inspector General of the Police, Joseph Shikongo, has expressed disappointment with the performance of law enforcement officers in the Kavango East Region. 

Following a visit to the region, Shikongo addressed the underperformance and outlined improvement plans.

Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo says, that despite Kavango East being the second-largest region, there is enough manpower for effective policing. 

He pointed out police visibility as a key to combating crime.

Zambezi Police conduct awareness on explosive devices


Police in the Zambezi Region held a community outreach programme to educate and sensitise the public on the dangers of explosive ordinances.

The intervention follows the recent explosion of a hand grenade, which resulted in the deaths of three children in Mpancha when they brought it home.

The outreach programme at Kongola featured dramas and a showcase of different explosive devices found.

Zambezi Police Commander Andreas Shilelo cautioned the public to be aware of their surroundings, urging elders to educate young children about the dangers of explosives.

Police Inspector General urges cadet constables to embrace professionalism


Police Inspector General Joseph Shikongo has urged 818 cadet constables who are undergoing training at the Ruben Danger Ashipala Training Centre to be professional when they are deployed to various stations.

The cadets will graduate on May 3rd.

Emphasising the values of professionalism and selflessness, Lieutenant General Shikongo called upon the cadets to serve all Namibians and foreigners impartially, transcending ethnic and political boundaries.

Promotion Operation kicks off in Oshana


Police in the Oshana Region have kicked off with a promotion operation conducted by officers who were recently promoted and aimed at reducing crime and enhancing public safety.

The operation is carried out by around 500 officers.

Commissioner Naftal Lungameni Sakaria says Oshana recorded a high number of rape incidents, and the majority of suspects are people close to the victims. Hence the need for the police to be more visible in the community.

Police blamed for Coblenz's increase in stock theft


Located about 200 km north of Otjiwarongo,Coblenz settlement residents blame the police's slow reaction time to crime for the increase in stock theft in the area.

Just this week, residents found the internal organs and skins of about 20 goats and sheep under a bridge five kilometres from Coblenz.

To their dismay, after calling the police, they had to wait for about an hour before the police arrived.

This, the residents narrated, is nothing new from the Coblenz police.

Police officer arrested for drunk driving


A police officer has been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol at Walvis Bay.

According to a police report, a white Toyota Hilux with a NamPol registration collided with a Honda Fit on Thursday, January 11, at half past ten at night along Independence Road in Walvis Bay.

The driver of the police vehicle is alleged to have driven the vehicle with an alcohol concentration level exceeding the legal limit.

It is further alleged that the suspect drove the motor vehicle recklessly and negligently and collided with the Honda Fit.

Police engage community at Oshakati


The Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, emphasised the importance of striving towards a crime-free Namibia for the benefit of both citizens and visitors.

Lieutenant General Shikongo says a crime-free environment attracts investors, leading to economic growth and the creation of numerous opportunities, such as job creation.

Speaking at a community engagement session at Oshakati, Lieutenant General Shikongo recognised the community as a strong pillar in the fight against crime.

Omaheke police applaud holiday makers for good behaviour


Police in the Omaheke Region have expressed gratitude to the region's residents and holidaymakers for abiding by the laws during the festive season.

Acting Regional Commander, Deputy Commissioner Jacxon Kamwangha, says the region is one of those that records low crime rates throughout the year.

It's the festive season, and the streets of Gobabis, the region's capital, are mostly empty as many of the town's residents have travelled to villages to spend time with their loved ones.

Police officers urged to live within their means


The Acting Regional Commander of Kavango East says law enforcement officers who are drowning in debt find it difficult to perform official duties.

Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu says the recent promotions come with salary adjustments and advises those promoted to avoid debt traps and live within their means. 

147 members of the police force were promoted in Kavango East, consisting of 93 males and 54 females.

The promotions also came with a word of advice from the acting regional commander.