The Police reiterates its commitment to road safety through strict law enforcement and community awareness initiatives, urging everyone to contribute to safer roads. 

Amidst the festive season, the Namibian Police Force has unveiled comparative road traffic crash statistics for the period November 17th to January 1st.

While a decrease in fatalities offers a glimmer of positivity, a rise in both crashes and injuries signals continued concern for road safety.

The police have pinpointed the primary concern surrounding the attitude and behavior of drivers. 

Instances of unsafe overtaking and inadequate following distances have been prevalent contributors to these accidents.

In light of these statistics, there's a collective call for all road users to prioritise safety and strictly adhere to traffic rules and regulations. 

The emphasis lies on fostering responsible and cautious behavior among everyone on the road, as this responsibility extends to drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, and those leading animals.

The police thus urged for a unified effort to ensure the well-being of all individuals on the roads, emphasising that road safety is a shared responsibility.

They also stressed key road safety tips for all users to adhere to speed limits considering road and weather conditions, to wear seat belts, avoid distractions while driving, obey traffic regulations, and to never drink and drive.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Joleni Shihapela