Coastal towns wind down as festive season Comes to an end


The festive season's effects on the coastal towns of Swakopmund, Henties Bay, and Walvis Bay, where holidaymakers had flocked for the festive season, are wearing off as many begin their journey back to their destinations.

Omaheke police record reduced serious crimes


The police in the Omaheke Region have recorded ten cases of drinking and driving, four road accidents with one fatality, and a decrease in serious crimes such as armed robberies, housebreakings, assaults, and theft from motor vehicles since the start of the festive season operation.

Festive travellers return as police urge road safety


Travellers return from their destinations as the festive season draws to a close.

Otjozondjupa Regional Commander Commissioner Philip Hidengwa called on road users to be vigilant and patient on the roads. 

||Kharas road safety campaign launched


Police in ||Kharas Region have launched the festive season road safety operation with a show of force.

The launch took place at the police roadblock outside Keetmanshoop.

Katima Mulilo inaugurates new traffic lights


Katima Mulilo now boasts a new set of traffic lights situated at the junction of Sam Nujoma Avenue and Mafuta Road.

At the commissioning of the traffic lights, Mayor John Ntemwa said the new set of traffic lights was necessitated by increased traffic in the town.

Road safety campaign launched in Windhoek


The Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Fund, in collaboration with the National Road Safety Council (NRSC), the Roads Authority (RA), and traffic officers from the Namibian and City Police, launched a week-long road safety campaign in Windhoek.