Crop farmers in the Omaheke Region in all seven constituencies have received 25 new ploughing tractors to improve the region's planting and harvesting capacity.

This information was shared with the nbc News by the chief agricultural scientific officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Dr. Jorry Kaurivi.

Dr. Jorry Kaurivi revealed the tractors and other important machinery were dispatched to all constituencies.

These are aimed at assisting with crop production in the constituencies.

"All the matching equipment includes those that are for livestock purposes, including the mould, baling, and hammer mills. Therefore, at this moment, we can testify that some of these tractors are already deployed, some are in the process of being deployed, and we have also trained implement operators because they are not concentrating on tractors but on the services, entirely including all the equipment that I mentioned earlier."

The agriculturalist remains hopeful that with the anticipated good rainfall, farmers can produce enough and contribute to regional food security.

Kaurivi also appealed to crop farmers to work hard and produce enough to aid livestock farmers with fodder at critical times of the year.

"As long as every constituency is active in utilising those equipment and machinery, when it comes to regional food security, it's a major improvement. So far, the utilisation of the machinery has been restricted to commercial areas that can afford it. Now that the government is assisting communal areas, it's time to register and get ourselves counted in the communal areas as breadwinners as part of food security, not only at the household level but also at the regional or constituency level."

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Ngarije Kavari