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President Nangolo Mbumba has expressed gratitude to Namibians for their conduct during the past three weeks, following the death of the late President Hage Geingob.

In a statement, President Mbumba said citizens conducted themselves in a dignified and orderly manner, calling it the greatest honour bestowed on the memory of the dearly departed Commander-in-Chief.

Following the death of President Hage Geingob on February 4, 2024, the Namibian nation went through difficult hours and weeks of grief. 

President Mbumba observed that over the past three weeks, Namibians have mourned together, cried together, and also celebrated the exceptional deeds and leadership of the late President Geingob.

Dr. Mbumba said that this was done as President Geingob would have wanted it, and Namibians were able to hold hands in mourning and in honour of his legacy in the most befitting manner.

He extended his heartfelt gratitude to Namibians for their consoling messages, gestures of love, and uplifting songs of endearment for Madame Monica Geingos, the children, the family, and the many people touched by the outstanding deeds of a cherished leader of the Namibian people.

President Mbumba says he remains in awe of the resilience, sense of duty, unity of purpose, and grace of Namibians in the face of a national tragedy. 

The Head of State implored Namibians to continue strengthening the foundations of the Namibian house, where unity binds them and is their strength as they build a better and more caring nation. 

Dr. Mbumba expressed gratitude to foreign Heads of State and Government, and leaders and friends of Namibia across the world for their messages of condolences, solidarity, and assistance, including their presence at the state funeral service.

The expressions of sympathy have been a source of solace while Namibians navigated the difficult period of national mourning and burial, he said.

President Mbumba acknowledged that through these kind gestures, the enduring bonds of friendship that unite the global community were showcased, and they attest that Namibia is indeed a child of international solidarity.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanche Goreses