The long-dragging case of Black Africa was put to bed in the Windhoek High Court today when Judge Herman Oosthuizen ruled in favor of the Lolo Goraseb & Tommy Adams Black Africa faction, which plays in the Southern Stream under the auspices of the NFA.
The faction was represented by Logino Goraseb of Ileni Velikoshi Inc.
One of the Black Africa factions took the case to the High Court to seek justice, which after several postponements was finally concluded today.
The winning faction's lawyer Logino Goraseb briefed the media outside the court afterwards - where he was joined by Lolo Goraseb and Tommy Adams as the faces behind the winning faction.
The losing faction, represented by Lawyer Norman Tjombe, has been instructed to bear the costs. Tjombe, on behalf of his client, intends to appeal the verdict.
The leadership crisis has been dragging on since last year, which resulted in the team's relegation to a lower division, with the two leadership factions not seeing eye to eye.
The heavy division in the leadership has also seen two teams turning up for matches under the same name of Black Africa, which resulted in the cancellation of the encounters by the league.
The team was fined N$100,000 for not honoring the matches, while forfeiting the points in the matches not played.