A group of Rundu residents walked for 15 kilometres to commemorate World Hypertension Day. 

Commemorated on May 17 every year, the day aims to raise awareness and promote measures to detect, control, and prevent hypertension. 

The group of residents, mostly from the Ministry of Health, traded in their usual work attire for fitness gear in preparation for the 15-kilometre walk. 

The Rundu Intermediate Hospital was the starting point for the health walk, and participants were expected to stroll all the way to the Sarusungu border post and back. 

People of all fitness levels enjoyed the early morning air as they walked through various parts of Rundu, all in the name of being fit and healthy. 

It's reported that one billion people around the world have high blood pressure, which is a major cause of heart disease and premature death worldwide. 

The good news is that one of the preventative measures against high blood pressure is being physically active, and you can start with something as low-impact as walking. 

Exercise is great for strengthening bones and muscles, increasing energy levels, and improving one's balance and coordination. 

Studies have also shown that walking can improve your mood, cognition, memory, and sleep. 

The group had an opportunity to take a break at the Sarusungu border post before heading back. 
It was a relief for many when the 15-kilometre exercise came to an end. 

The Regional Risk Communication and Community Engagement Officer, Gabriel Kasera, says the plan for the future is to involve not only ministerial staff but everyone in the community. To make exercise infectious. 

"We can look at a country like Rwanda. Rwanda made it a mandate that they have a date in the month when they don't use a car in the whole country at all. We thought, if it's possible, we could pilot it in our town, like Rundu." 

Some of the walkers also expressed the need for more exercise-related activities around town.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Frances Shaahama