The Ongwediva Build It Branch held a successful Under 13 Soccer and Netball tournament at the Eluwa Special School in Ongwediva.

Over 240 kids and 17 schools participated in this year's Build It Under 13 sports tournament.

The school's tournament, which started in 2007, has gained momentum due to the Build It sponsorship and interest from the kids in various schools and regions.

The under-13 tournament began with playoffs, and the winners are the ones that participated in yesterday's tournament.

Les Pillay, the Build It Brand Equity manager, says as a company, they believe in the power of sport, and that's why they decided to give the kids a chance to play in a safe environment through the tournament.

The aim of hosting the Under 13 sports tournament is Build It's way of investing and giving back to the community while developing kids' Sports at a young age.

Meanwhile, at the same event, Oshana NSSU Member Wilhelm Hango, applauded Build It for their continuous support to school sports as well as the parents' involvement.

In the final boys' soccer, Shapwa Primary School beat Eluwa Special School 2-1 in the second half to win the overall tournament, while Omagongati Combined School won the netball finals.

The next Build It tournament is expected to take place at Build It Oshakati on the 21st of September this year.

Photo Credits
Erickson Tapiso

