

The residents of Otjozondjupa Region have proposed dividing the region into two parts: Otjozondjupa North and South.

Residents also want to split certain places into specific constituencies.

Otjozondjupa is the fourth largest region, with nine settlements.

Most services are available in its capital, Otjiwarongo. For example, residents of Gam have to travel about 600 kilometres to access such services.

Before the visit from the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission, the region's leadership visited each constituency to gather their input.

They all agreed to divide the region into two.

Isaac Hoaeb, the Mayor of Otavi, stated: "The regional headquarters will be in Grootfontein, so they will also have to travel a shorter distance. This decision and proposal have been made to improve service delivery and make it easier for people to access services."

They proposed that Okamatapati, Otjituoo, and Okondjatu become standalone constituencies, with their borders extended to include commercial farms.

Otjozondupa Governor James Uerikua recommended that Geunas and Tsumeb constituencies in the Oshikoto region be included in Otjozondjupa North.

"Due to the consultations, amendments, and reevaluation of the whole situation, we decided to propose this. Our original plan did not include this. However, for the sake of inclusivity and fairness, we received a written submission from 680 Oshikoto inhabitants, signed by Angel Nawatiseb. The submission was received on June 6th and clearly indicated their wishes for us to include their region, providing reasons for their request."

The Otjozondjupa leadership did not approach the Oshikoto leadership about this matter.

If the proposals are accepted, the current map of Otjozondjupa Region will undergo changes.

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NBC Digital News


Eveline Paulus