

The Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation described the Olufuko annual cultural festival as a platform to showcase the diversity and beauty of culture.

Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi says Olufuko reminds Namibians of their rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and norms that make up the unique Namibian house.

Dr. Kandjii-Murangi, who was speaking at the official opening of the Olufuko Cultural Festival in Outapi, says that as the world is changing rapidly, the preservation and safeguarding of cultural identity becomes more vital than ever.

Traditions are thus a living expression that continues to shape people's present and guide their future, and a bond that unites nations and fosters a sense of belonging.

"The Olufuko annual cultural festival is a testament to our commitment to honoring and celebrating our cultural heritage. Through events like this, we not only showcase the diversity and vibrancy of our traditions but also create opportunities for cultural exchange and dialogue, enriching our collective experience and deepening our understanding and acceptance of one another, and upholding the principles of unity in diversity."

This year's tenth edition attracted 81 young girls from Ombalantu, Ombandja, Uukolonkadhi, and Ongandjera who are undergoing a seven-day initiation process that prepares them for womanhood.

Olufuko's Patron and Founding President Sam Nujoma says the festival embodies the essence of traditions and serves as a testament to the legacy passed down to generations.

ICT Deputy Minister Modestus Amutse delivered his speech.

"Indeed, the Olufuko cultural festival is an old tradition where older women teach young girls who have to be virgins in order to participate about how they should act as grown-up women. Nowadays, this has become an opportunity to teach schoolgirls about their culture."

UNAM Pro-Vice Chancellor for academic affairs Professor Frednard Gideon highlighted the importance of these fairs:

"Olufuko reminds us of the importance of preserving our traditions, ensuring they are passed on to the next generation, and its bridge between the past and the present, a testament to the enduring strength of our culture."

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NBC Digital News


Tonateni Haimbodi