The Namibia Qualification Authority (NQA) recently hosted a stakeholder information session at Omuthiya in the Oshikoto Region.

The NQA used the platform to educate stakeholders on its mandate and qualification standards.

The Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager at NQA, Lina Ndengu, called on young people to focus on careers in the vocational sector and to leverage Namibia's green hydrogen ambitions. 

"We have an oversaturated market for teachers; we cannot become teachers anymore because there are no jobs for the young people who are finishing school now. So let us encourage them to look for skills they can use their hands for. Let's encourage those who have skills in the village and community to go to RPL and get certificates. Once green hydrogen comes, and this person is a welder and manages to get a certificate, they can basically secure a job at one of the green hydrogen sites. That is why the RPL is very important."

The Namibia Qualifications Authority ensures the quality and relevance of education by accrediting institutions and recognising qualifications both locally and internationally.

Photo Credits
Namibia Qualifications Authority


MICT Oshikoto