The residents of Walvis Bay's Kuisebmund suburb are changing the lives of children there.

Former fish factory workers Elizabeth Andreas and Ester Josef established the Faith Academy to give hope to slow learners.

More children are now using services offered by the Faith Academy for extra tutorials in the hope of improving their grades in subjects they find difficult.

Andreas said her perseverance has paid off after she started the academy with only four learners about 12 years ago.

To date, the Faith Academy has three classes at a time and more than 50 learners coming for assistance there.

The academy also offers a mentorship programme.

They believe their contributions will help keep the children away from drugs and alcohol, as well as other social evils.

The learners come to the centre free of charge; therefore, Andreas is appealing for assistance from the good Samaritans to be able to assist more children.



Isidor Shilongo