The Ondonga Traditional Authority will drill boreholes in villages of the Ohangwena Region that border with Oshikoto to address water scarcity.

As part of their social responsibility, the Ondonga Traditional Authority allocated funds to drill boreholes in seven villages within the Ondonga jurisdiction that border the two regions—Ohangwena and Oshikoto—during this current financial year.

The Ekoko and Onalusheshete villages in Oshikoto and Ohangwena regions, respectively, will be given priority due to the far distance residents travel to access water. 

On Tuesday, a delegation from the Oshikoto Region, led by Governor Penya Ya Ndakolo, met with the Ohangwena Region's top leadership to discuss and sign the endorsement.

Ohangwena Governor Sebastian Ndeitunga commended Omukwaniilwa of Ondonga for the significant investment in the social well-being of inhabitants.

He said water is a basic need, and such a gesture of that development will restore the dignity of the community in the selected villages.

Ndeitunga further urged those who will spearhead the process to ensure it's accomplished due to the hardship that residents living alongside the regional borders have to endure.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Debby Katangolo