

People who were affected by flash floods on December 27th from the Orutjandja location in the Opuwo Urban constituency of the Kunene Region have been relocated to the Opuwo open market and provided with ablution facilities and water.

The flood victims had been squatting at the Orutjandja location, which is closer to a river that overflowed into it when it rained heavily.

The Kunene Region has been experiencing poor rainfall for many years, and people started to settle at that location illegally, but they were never flooded for all the years they have been residing there.

Surprisingly, on 27 December, a heavy downpour changed everything for the people residing at the Orutjandja location.

Water entered inside their houses and some makeshift structures and swept away belongings.

They are pleading with Opuwo Town Council to give them land that is not prone to flooding where they can build permanent homes.

Opuwo Town Council member Vistorino Simon said the council has been pleading with Opuwo residents to stop settling at Orutjandja illegally, but their call has fallen on deaf ears.

The Office of the Prime Minister provided the victims with parcels to sustain them until March. The blankets, tents, mattresses, tinned fish, cooking oil, and bags of maize meal were provided for by the Office of the Prime Minister for the affected victims.

Kunene Governor Marius Sheya is pleading with his people not to attempt to cross rivers and streams when it rains to avoid risking their lives.

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Tonateni Haimbodi