Dr. Sam Nujoma was remembered at Walvis Bay, as a patient strategist who liberated the harbour town from decades of colonialism and looting.

Liberation struggle veteran Ben Amathila delivered a historical tribute to the Founding President during the memorial service at Walvis Bay.

He said it was not easy for Nujoma to stand up against the most powerful government in Southern Africa before independence but he was determined.

Amathila explained that Nujoma petitioned the United Nations and further gained the support of African, Asian and Latin states, in his resolve to liberate Namibia and Walvis Bay.

"This Walvis Bay was full of fish, it's called Walvis Bay because it was the bay of the whales. The whales used to be here on the coast, dancing around, swimming around, so nations of the world were coming here to take our fish away. And there was nothing we could do and SA because they were illegally occupying Namibia could not stop those ships. Our fish was depleted during that period of time and Nujoma wanted to stop it. Unluckily we did not make it."

Amathila noted that Nujoma was hurt in 1990 about liberating Namibia without Walvis Bay's reintegration.

Nujoma he said, came up with other strategies to win back the harbour town, despite South Africa playing hardball.

"He steered us through all kinds of situations, be it Namibia's liberation, be it Walvis Bay and he taught us one thing, we are small people, a small country, Namibia must be united.  In the whole lifespan of Nujoma's life, you find that unity was one of his calls. I don't know whether he has effectively achieved that but he is still pleading wherever he finds himself. He is going to watch us to see whether we are united or working towards unity. If we don't we are going to be picked one by one by the enemies and used against each other and lose this country."

The veteran added that Nujoma's dedication and sacrifice are teaching Namibia a lesson about being patient, hardworking and united.

"We have to show understanding and love for each other. The geo-political situation in the world is changing very fast and Namibia cannot stand alone. Namibia has to be united first and become strong before we look outside, Nujoma was a person who loved education. Let's help our teachers to give the best to our children because the world is so competitive and our children being, we being a smaller population we must have the best education."



Renate Rengura