Oshana Region Governor Elia Irimari has warned residents of rising water levels and potential flooding due to heavy rains in Namibia and southern Angola, which have filled the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.  

The region, prone to floods because of its open water pans (iishana), is experiencing additional floodwaters from Angola. Irimari urged communities, especially those near Oshanas or flood-prone areas like Uuvudhiya, Ompundja, Okatjali, and Uukwiyuushona, to remain vigilant.  

"Mine is just an appeal to the communities in Oshana, more especially those whose houses are very close to Oshanas or where the floodwater passes through, and also more especially communities in grazing areas of Uuvudhiya, Ompundja, and the Okatjali and Uukwiyuushona areas, that they have to take precautions that the water levels are high now; those rivers have collected enough water, and they are flowing, and also at the same time, some people are trapped," said Irimari.  

Meanwhile, Oshana Education Director Pauline Shapumba emphasized the need for a people-centered, inclusive five-year strategic plan aligned with regional and national priorities. She urged leaders to ensure the plan is action-driven and not left unused.  

"However, as a precautionary measure, we always advise schools not to take risks and not to expose learners to safety issues. So we always encourage the school management together with their school boards to always monitor the water levels so that whenever it poses a threat to both the learners and the staff members, we always encourage them to request the temporal closure of these schools for the time being, and then they make plans to compensate for the days lost when the water subsides," Shapumba added.  

From March 1 to date, 11 drowning incidents have been reported in the region.



Hileni Mwandingi | MICT Oshana