The lack of adherence to waste management by some municipalities as well as unhygienic police cells across the country are some of the outstanding issues highlighted in the Ombudsman's annual report.

The Ombudsman, Basilius Dyakugha, handed over a damning report to the Speaker of the National Assembly today.

This year's report has a number of issues of concern, but the Ombudsman is most disturbed by one relating to the environment, as his office is mandated to protect the environment.

The report discovered that some municipalities are failing in waste management and the maintenance of their dumping sites.

The dumping sites that were found to be under mismanagement are at Kalkfeld, Outjo, Grootfontein, Katima Mulilo, and Bukalo, among others.

Those that are found to be not adhering to environmental laws will receive direct reports with recommendations on how to remedy the situation.

The Ombudsman did not focus on the disturbing issue of sand mining in this report, as it is already under consideration by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

The other area of concern, the report states, is that members of parliament need to address the issue of police cells.

Among the police cells that were found in a bad state are those at Outjo police station, which is dilapidated and dirty. The Grootfontein police cell was found overcrowded with 27 inmates, while the cell is meant to keep a maximum of only 12.

In the Omusati region, the Outapi police station is in a mess, with the entire premises falling apart and dilapidated, with large cracks visible all over the walls. The entire building needs renovation as its current condition poses a serious risk to those occupying it.

The Windhoek Correctional Facility's units are worn out with no regular maintenance conducted.

Despite the Otjomuise police station being relatively new, there are several issues that need attention, with inmates complaining about insufficient food, lack of cleaning materials, and blankets.

The Ombudsman has the mandate to either recommend the closure of the police cells deemed not fit for accommodating inmates or recommend an immediate renovation.

This report will keep Parliament, which has an oversight mandate over the executive, up-to-date on what is going on. The Speaker of the National Assembly also wants the office of the Ombudsman to look into the issue of mental health.

The office of the Ombudsman is required by law to submit its annual reports to the speaker of the National Assembly.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News
Timo Andreas