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Basic income grants and land servicing in mid-year budget consultations


Basic income grants, safety homes, climate change, and land servicing were among the inputs given by civil society during a consultation with the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprise, Iipumbu Shiimi. 

The consultations are regarding priorities for the 2024–2025 mid-year budget review. 

The mid-year budget review is expected to be tabled in the National Assembly in October.

Religious beliefs a matter separate from Divorce Law - Dausab


The Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab, emphasised Namibia's stance as a secular state, underscoring the government's focus on the practical and administrative aspects of divorce. 

Recognising diverse perspectives, she stated that it is essential that religious principles remain outside the legislative domain.

Dausab was motivating the Divorce Bill, which is in the committee stage for further deliberation.

Dausab emphasised that the legal process of marriage operates independently of religious institutions' practices and processes.

National Assembly objects 10 bills due to lack of quorum


Members of Parliament in the National Assembly have objected to the tabling of ten bills during Wednesday's session because of a lack of quorum.

Others, however, questioned the reasons for the objections, noting that the first reading of bills does not require a quorum, as no voting takes place at that stage.

Deputy Speaker Loide Kasingo emphasised the importance of members' attendance and participation, stressing that procedural delays waste parliamentary resources and time.

LPM leader urges members to secure majority seats in National Assembly


President of the Landless People's Movement, Bernadus Swartbooi, urged the party to strive to secure the majority of the 96 seats in the National Assembly to bring about necessary changes in the country and further restore the dignity of citizens.

Speaking at the party's first national convention, Swartbooi also urged party members to persevere in their efforts to secure positive freedom.

This involves citizens taking firm stances on issues, advocating for change, and speaking out without fear.

UNGA President commends Namibia for its gender parity in the NA


The United Nations General Assembly President, Dennis Francis commended Namibia for its gender parity in the National Assembly, underscoring the country's commitment to inclusivity and equality.

Dennis Francis addressed a joint Parliament session this afternoon. 

Francis also spoke about the drought situation in Namibia, saying the country does not have adequate fiscal space to cater to the demands of the means of implementation due to its lack of access to affordable climate financing. 

National Assembly adjourned over lack of quorum


The National Assembly was forced to suspend its Thursday session due to a lack of quorum, a significant disruption in the legislative schedule. 

Speaker Professor Peter Katjavivi announced the adjournment shortly after the session began, as the number of attending members was insufficient to meet the required quorum.

Several critical legislative items were on Thursday's order paper. 

The Minister of Justice was set to introduce a comprehensive bill to consolidate and reform the law on divorces related to civil marriages.

National Assembly rallies behind Cuba


The National Assembly has condemned the continued listing of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism by the US, arguing it undermines Cuba's contributions to international peace and security. 

On April 16, 2024, the National Assembly passed a resolution urging the US to delist Cuba.

The resolution highlights Namibia's solidarity with Cuba, condemns the unfounded US designation, and addresses the severe humanitarian impact of the associated sanctions on Cuba's economy and its people. 

National Assembly goes on recess


The National Assembly has announced a recess period from April 30th to June 4th, 2024, marking a break in the 9th Session of the Seventh Parliament.

The lower house will be on recess from tomorrow until the 4th of June. 

During this session, the National Assembly addressed a wide spectrum of issues, demonstrating its commitment to legislative duties and public service. 

Two bills were tabled, 12 motions were considered, and 15 annual and ministerial reports were reviewed.