The Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare in the Kavango East Region have added poultry farming to its community income-generating activities' support.

At least 23 beneficiaries, the majority of them youth, underwent poultry farming skills training at Rundu to introduce them to chicken farming.

The regional head of the ministry, Benedikta Kamunoko, says income-generating projects are aimed at empowering rural communities to be food secure and self-reliant.

Kamunoko says the ministry has realized the dependency of women on their partners is fueling gender-based violence in many communities.

In a speech read on his behalf, Kavango East Governor Bonifatius Wakudumo urged beneficiaries to endeavour to create jobs for themselves and others.

The Tukurenu Community Skills Development Centre (COSDEC) provided the training on behalf of the ministry.

COSDEC Centre Manager Clemence Kafuro says the centre needs funding to be able to extend skills training to many communities.

The participants from the region's six constituencies each received four chickens as a start to continue to nurture the skills acquired.

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Chris Kupulo