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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) continues to provide decent housing to its members across the country.

150 members in Okongo, in the Ohangwena Region, became the latest beneficiaries of this scheme.

The Okongo Shack Dwellers Federation was established in 2006 and, to date, it has 528 members.

So far, the members have built 193 houses for low-income earners to live in decent homes, which in turn reduces the number of people living in shacks.

"At first, Okongo built 14 houses in 2013, and in 2015 they built 10 houses again because we are progressing well. We were given an opportunity to approve 39 people in 2018. In 2019 we built 30 houses, which shows that we are going forward," said Ali Sheetekela, a member of the Okongo Shack Dweller Federation.

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Utoni, says the government continues to admire the focus and efforts of the Shack Dwellers Federation towards addressing disparities in housing provision.

The completion of the 130 houses by the Okongo SDFN members is yet another milestone towards the reduction of the national housing backlog.

Uutoni says housing remains a complex and combative subject in Namibia, putting more pressure on urban areas.

"The government, through the ministry of Urban and Rural Development Ministry, believes in and will continue to support the work of community-based organisations such as SDFN who have demonstrated their commitment and ability to contribute to the nation's drive towards providing affordable housing and proper sanitation to our people, especially those in ultra-low and low-income categories."

Ohangwena Governor Walde Ndevashiya says the demand for affordable housing and land in towns has exceeded supply.

He says housing plays a big part in improving living standards, health and development.

"Over the past years, Eenhana town delivered 76 houses through PPP, and the council will make available more than 380 plots for allocation at Ekolola in the 2022/2023 financial year. This will go a long way towards addressing the pressing need for housing in Eenhana."

The Okongo Shack Dwellers federation is supported by Mega Build, Standard Bank, Okongo Build It, Ohorongo Cements, and Pupkewits


Photo Credits
The Namibian
Tonateni Haimbodi