The construction of flush toilets for the residents of Kunene's Fransfontein has begun after almost 30 years of using the bucket toilet system.

In an interview with nbc News, Fransfontein Village Council Control Administration Officer Kalush Aipinge stated that approximately seven toilets were already built and handed over in November of this year.

The project started in 2019 but was delayed and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, phase one was completed with the rehabilitation of the sewer pump station and further upgrade of the sewer reticulation network system and oxidation ponds.

"The first phase was Phase 1, which was more on rehabilitating the sewer system as well as the oxidation ponds. Phase 2 had to be split into two phases, whereby Phase 2 A, as we are speaking, is already done. If you move around there, you can see there are very formal toilets, which are connected to sewer reticulation, and flushing toilets, which are also connected to water. Some people are also connected to electricity. So far in phase 2, we have only managed to cover seven toilets."

77 flush toilets will be constructed under Phase 2 within a budget of N$5.2 million.

"We are just waiting for Phase 2B as soon as we get funds. However, the good news is that we have some funds internally, which we are busy channeling or diverting to that project while we wait for the mother ministry to provide us with more funds. Actually, the "provision or construction of 77 formal toilets" has been authorized in this Phase 2."

Isaack Gurib, who has been living at the settlement for over 40 years, was joyful.

"Almost for 30 years we have suffered with these communal toilets that we are using, and now in this year, we are so lucky that some of us have received the new toilets that have been provided through the settlement of Fransfontein, and we are really grateful for the settlement of Fransfontein for providing us with these toilets. As residents of Fransfontein, we are really proud, and we are really very thankful for the toilets, and we believe we have resolved the problem of the bucket toilets."

The area, situated about 30 kilometers from Khorixas, was declared a settlement in 2007 and is home to over two thousand inhabitants.

Photo Credits
nbc News


Faith Sankwasa