

The acting senior youth officer at Khorixas says he is disappointed with the lack of participation among young people in programs designed to empower them.

Alfeus Kapolo cited as an example the horticulture gardening project, saying it has become a "white elephant" and forced the staff to keep it running due to a lack of interest from young people in the area.

Kapolo urged young people in the town to be involved in available youth activities, even on a voluntary basis.

He is of the opinion that some of the prevailing challenges facing youth could be properly tackled if the young people themselves were committed to dealing with them head-on.

"If young people can realize and act on what I've learned from this general meeting, if they can come forth and do much more to meet us halfway, this will help the general youth, in collaboration with the ministry, tackle all the youth problems that may be to them."

However, Kapolo was quick to point out that lack of funds has led to some programs being put on hold.

These include the tailoring and bricklaying projects, but the government is doing all it can to assist young people with viable projects.

Kapolo says the youth ministry advocates for entrepreneurship training among young people through youth centers.

However, he says some just decide to stay at home without doing anything.

"Our message is that you are running through our center; please go forth and come up with ideas that we think can help our community and that we will be able to serve our community together."

The Khorixas Youth Center has about 23 youth-based groups affiliated to the Constituency Youth Forum as the lower entry level of registration.

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Samuel Kandjii