Former Namsov Fishing Company employees to gain full-time employment


The former employees of Namsov Fishing Company will receive full-time employment at Shore Recruitment before the end of this month.

This was promised by Acting Executive Director Ueritjiua Kauaria after receiving a petition from the employees. 

The workers lost their jobs around 2018 when Namsov's horse marckerel quota was reduced.

Namsov has since been taken over by Tunacor.

Vocational training contributes to the growth of the country- Mubita


The Acting Executive Director of the Namibian Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM), Sankwasa Mubita, says it is imperative to consider vocational training, as it contributes to the growth of the country.

Mubita said this at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Namibian Institute of Public Administration and Management and Windhoek Vocational Training Centre.

The three-year MoU will help promote and develop areas of mutual interest in fields related, however not limited to capacity building research and marketing.