Michael Amushelelo released police custody


Lawyer Kadhila Amoomo has announced the release of activist Michael Amushelelo from police custody.

Amushelelo surrendered himself to the police and was arrested on Tuesday morning.

Labour Commissioner’s Office faces backlog 


The Office of the Labour Commissioner faces a backlog of 1,003 unresolved labour-related cases, despite successfully closing 3,698 cases during the previous financial year.

Michael Amushelelo rejoins NEFF


The Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) have welcomed back Michael Amushelelo, their former Economic Commissar.

Michael Amushelelo fails Save Namibia Project members


Prospective homeowners in the property group Save Namibia Project, under the leadership of Michael Amushelelo, are demanding the payment of their deposits on plots following a long delay on housing promises.