

Omega 3 residents express intent to join Kavango 


Residents of Omega 3 in the Zambezi Region have expressed their intention to apply to become part of the Kavango Region.

This decision stems from their dissatisfaction with the local leadership's alleged failure to address the community's development needs.

Victims of hand grenade explosion buried in Zambezi


Three of the four victims, who died from an explosion of a hand grenade almost two weeks ago at Liselo in the Zambezi Region, were laid to rest today.

The deceased are 14-year-old Yamuno Mulatehi, nine-year-old Lydia Mulatehi, and four-year-old Mulatehi Mulatehi, all siblings.

Lack of active leadership- reason for poverty in Zambezi


The leader of the official opposition, McHenry Venaani, says a lack of active leadership is partly the reason why Zambezi Region continues to be one of the poorest regions.

The president of the Popular Democratic Party (PDM) was speaking at a media briefing in Katima Mulilo on Thursday.

Tourist robbers denied bail


Two male suspects accused of stealing N$50,000 from a tourist at Camp Kwando over the weekend were denied bail in the Katima Mulilo Margistrate's court on Thursday.

The two are 31-year-old Mario Wawo and 25-year-old Masiye Muyunza, who are from the Lizauli area.

Resources needed to fight GBV in Zambezi


Officials from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare and organisations dealing with gender-based violence in the Zambezi Region agree that a lack of infrastructure, equipment, and human resources are some challenges that need immediate attention.

Katima Mulilo welcomes 11 newborns on New Year's Day


A total of 11 new-born babies were welcomed in Katima Mulilo on New Year's Day.

Of the 11, the Katima Mulilo State Hospital welcomed five male and five female babies, while the Enkehaus Private Hospital welcomed a baby girl.

NamPol launches 'community against crime' initiative


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, and Safety and Security launched the "community against crime" initiative through a tournament hosted in Kalimbeza in the Zambezi Region.

Kongola residents demand recovery of N$4.7 million


In Kongola, a fervent call for justice resonates as residents demand immediate action against implicated top management officials of the Zambezi regional council embroiled in a staggering N$4.7 million corruption scandal.

Nova Settlement residents left homeless after strong rains


Residents of Katima Mulilo's Nova Settlement have once again been left in the open following Wednesday's strong winds accompanied by rain.

Speaking to the nbc News team, some of the affected residents say not much could be done at the time their zinc roofs were blown off.