

Ondangwa-Omutsegwonime water project to resolve supply challenges


Stakeholders gathered in Ondangwa to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Ondangwa-Omutsegwonime bulk water supply pipeline replacement project.

The long-awaited project, costing ninety-one million dollars in its first phase, will resolve water supply challenges in the Oshana and Oshikoto Regions.

The first phase, which started in May of this year, will end in May 2025.

The 17-kilometer stretch from Ondangwa to Oshali village will enable NamWater to improve its water supply.

NHE Hands Over More Houses In Omusati


Living in a decent house is one of the factors that defines a decent and dignified life.

This is a satisfying life for 70 residents of Okahao in the Omusati Region who moved into their new houses constructed by the National Housing Enterprise (NHE).

The houses were constructed at a cost of N$27.3 million by the second contractor after the first one failed to deliver.

Earlier on, the NHE also handed over 50 houses to beneficiaries at Omuthiya, constructed at a cost of N$20 million, and 24 houses at Ondangwa, built at a cost of N$12 million.

Kunene residents plead for development


Residents of Kunene are concerned about their safety due to poor road infrastructure and overflowing rivers during the rainy season.

They shared their dissatisfaction with Vice President Nangolo Mbumba at Opuwo. The residents requested that the government construct bridges at river crossings to enable them to access services during the rainy season.

A case in point is the roads that connect Okangwati and Etanga to Otjinungua via Osana. There is also a need to set up bridges in some areas that are washed away during the rainy season on the road from Opuwo to Sesfontein.

Gov commended for its continued efforts to provide relief food


Traditional authorities in the Kunene Region have commended the government for its continued efforts to provide relief food to drought-afflicted people in the region.

Kunene is one of the regions that has suffered severe drought in recent years, and the majority of the inhabitants depend on the government's Drought Relief Programme. While commending the government for the assistance, they feel the long-term solution is the setting up and improvement of community gardens to empower people to produce their own food.