!Oë-‡Gân Traditional Authority proposes renaming Erongo


The !Oë-‡Gân Traditional Authority recommended that the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission rename the Erongo Region to its historic name.

The Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission visited Omaruru to cater for the Daures, and Karibib constituencies after Swakopmund.

Four more constituencies proposed for Kavango West


The Kavango West Region has requested four additional constituencies to improve service delivery.

The proposal was handed to the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission at Nkurenkuru during public consultation.

Border shifting sparks emotions


The Hambukushu Traditional Authority is against the proposal to have the border between the Zambezi and Kavango East regions shifted into some parts of the Mukwe Constituency.