MPs debate cultural and societal norms in proposed marriage bill


MPs in the National Assembly expressed diverse views on cultural and societal norms over the Marriage Bill that was tabled by Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Albert Kawana.

There were more questions than suggestions, including the legal definition of marriage.

Proposed divorce bill sparks intense debate in NA


There was a heated debate in the National Assembly over the proposed Divorce Bill tabled by the Minister of Justice, Yvonne Dausab.

The bill, which aims to reform divorce procedures in the country, faced a barrage of criticism and suggestions from MPs.

Trade Minister motion to align copyright protection with ARIPO


A motion tabled by the Minister of Industrialization and Trade (MIT), Lucia Iipumbu, is set to bolster intellectual property rights by ratifying the Kampala Protocol on voluntary registration of copyright and related rights to streamline copyright protection across African states under the African Regional Intellect

PDM MP calls for protection of local music


Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Inna Hengari has tabled a motion in the National Assembly calling for an urgent debate on the overwhelming presence of foreign music on local radio stations.

MICT holds cybersecurity awareness workshop


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) held a training workshop on cybersecurity awareness to equip media practitioners with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the digital landscape securely.

Lüderitz to host Miss Namibia and Miss Teen Beauty pageants


The harbour town of Lüderitz will host this year's Miss Namibia and Miss Teen Beauty pageants.

The announcement was made by nbc Director General Stanely Similo and the Chief Executive Officer of the Lüderitz Waterfront Company, Fluksman Samhuel, in Windhoek.

UNAM law students turn cemetery into garden


The University of Namibia's law students have inaugurated a project tagged "Cicero Law Firm and Graves into Gardens'.

The project is aimed at transforming the Oponganda Cemetery in Windhoek's Katutura Residential Area into a more pleasing setting.

Report on management of Bwabwata Communal Land submitted


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs has submitted its comprehensive report on the management of Bwabwata Communal Land.

Drawing from a petition presented by the Hambukushu Traditional Authority, the report unveils a multitude of findings and recommendations.

Namibians reminded to use natural resources sustainably


The Ministry of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation (MHETI), together with the National Commission on Research Science and Technology (NCRST), launched the Bio-Economy Strategy in Windhoek.