Christmas treat for the elders


More than 1,500 senior citizens were treated to a Christmas lunch and received shopping vouchers to get them through the festive season by Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes.

Forbes also paid a visit to old-age homes in surrounding areas that were out of reach.

It was an atmosphere filled with music and decorations reflecting the Christmas season.

Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes stated that humanity requires one to reach out to others, particularly the vulnerable.

Fisheries Minister warns of unsustainable management in fishing industry


The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources says the high number of by-catches landed by quota holders is an indication of unsustainable management.

Derek Klazen expressed concern during his annual industry address at Walvis Bay, where he accused companies of deliberately landing hake, horse mackerel, and pilchard as bycatch products—species they have no right to catch.

Erongo Business and Tourism Expo hopes to revive tourism industry


The 15th Erongo Business and Tourism Expo hopes to contribute to the revival of the tourism industry at Walvis Bay following the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on local businesses.

This year's focus is on innovation, integration, and industrialization.

At the official opening, the Walvis Bay Mayor indicated that the council celebrates events such as the expo because SMEs get a platform to exhibit products and services.

Farm 37 relocation delayed due to finances


Lack of funds is among the challenges preventing beneficiaries at Farm 37, near Walvis Bay, from relocating.

Located about 7 kilometres east of Walvis Bay, Farm 37 was identified in 2015 as a solution to the land and housing backlog.

Eight years later, the dream became real when the municipality transferred plots to 50 residents in July, who voluntarily agreed to relocate.

Joel Kashimba and his partner Hilma Lineekela are the first and only residents of the isolated place thus far.

Erongo Red urges customers to update pre-paid metres


Erongo Red's Chief Executive Officer has urged customers to update their pre-paid metres to the new token identifier so that they are not left behind before it is implemented in November. Immanuel !Hanabeb announced this at a media briefing in Walvis Bay.

This announcement comes after all electrical suppliers received directives from the Standard Transfer Specification (STS) Association regarding the changes that will come into effect on November 24, 2024. The changes will affect not only the metres with Erongo RED but all STS-compliant metres all over the world.

Former fisherman creates own employment through selling farming nets


After losing his job in the fishing industry, a former fisherman at Walvis Bay is now in the business of selling farming nets, agricultural netting, ropes, and other accessories along the highway, along the northern industrial area.

Business Today visited the busy man on the street to find out what it was like to make a living from his chosen trade.

Walvis Bay fire victims want land


The fire that ravaged several shacks at Walvis Bay last night has prompted residents to make fresh demands for serviced land. Families on Khomas Hochland Street were left destitute last night after a shack fire ravaged their homes and belongings.

The victims, who say they were traumatized by the blaze, spent the whole day cleaning the area. Diana Murumbua stressed to nbc News that the outbreak of shack fires is usually a result of congestion, and there is a need for municipalities to speed up the delivery of plots.