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Fisheries Minister warns of unsustainable management in fishing industry


The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources says the high number of by-catches landed by quota holders is an indication of unsustainable management.

Derek Klazen expressed concern during his annual industry address at Walvis Bay, where he accused companies of deliberately landing hake, horse mackerel, and pilchard as bycatch products—species they have no right to catch.

Namibia Property Raffle Project operates illegally: Lotteries Board of Namibia


The Lotteries Board of Namibia (LBN) is cautioning the public that the multi-million dollar online real estate lottery, the Namibia Property Raffle Project, has not been approved by the board and is thus operating illegally.

The board's warning comes after inquiries by the public regarding the operation of the Namibia Property Raffle Project.

LBN Chairman Michael Mutonga explained that the Namibia Property Raffle Project only applied to conduct this lottery under the Benevolent Society Lotteries.

Three men who appeared at Rundu Magistrate's Court for illegal timber harvesting denied bail


Three men who appeared at the Rundu Magistrate's Court for illegal timber harvesting have been denied bail.

The three, John Shininge, Paulus Leevi, and Sebastian Sitwafa, were arrested at Rundu after they were found in possession of 76 timber planks and a processing machine.

The suspects could not provide a permit permitting them to harvest timber.

The case is postponed to July 25.

Five men arrested for holding illegal UDP meeting appear in Katima Mulilo Magistrate's Court


Five men who were arrested for holding an illegal meeting of the United Democratic Party (UDP) appeared in the Katima Mulilo Magistrate's Court.

They were all released on bail of N$10,000 each with conditions to surrender their travel documents to the investigating officer and not acquire new ones while on bail.

Harris Mushe (41), Benjamin Kubona (68), Christopher Ziambo (56), Ben Kumpoma (53), and Mubonda Mubonda (57) told the court that they would conduct their own defence after their rights to legal representation were explained to them.

Kavango East Governor calls unemployed teachers to refrain from operating illegal schools


The Governor of Kavango East Region, Bonifatius Wakudumo, has called on unemployed teachers to refrain from operating illegal schools.

Wakudumo says these schools will have to close their doors and allow the learners to be enrolled in formal schools as soon as possible.

The Governor says the government has a responsibility towards every Namibian child as far as education is concerned, and he advises unemployed qualified teachers to follow the right procedure for employment.

Mushrooming of unregistered primary schools at Rundu worrisome for Education Directorate


The mushrooming of unregistered primary schools at Rundu has become worrisome for the Kavango East Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture.

At least three schools with a combined total of more than five-hundred learners are said to be operating illegally and without the approval of the Ministry.

Our news team visited the Tuhingireni Project School started by 20 volunteer teachers who are unemployed.

Secretary to the project Wezzy Mafwila says the idea of starting a school was welcomed by parents whose children walked long distances to schools.

Over 60 taxis curbed off the road for operating illegally in a span of a week


More than 60 taxis were curbed off the road for operating illegally in a span of a week. 

This was enabled by a new application that is fast and effective in identifying registered and non-registered taxis. 

During their patrols, the City Police usually made calls to confirm if the operating taxis were registered, which was a lengthy and ineffective process at times.  

However, with the new operating system identification is instant.

Chief of City Police Abraham Kanime says some of the unregistered taxis are used to commit criminal activities. 

Residents Must Stop Illegal Electrical Connections


The municipality of Swakopmund has cautioned its residents to desist from illegal electrical connections and put out candles before they leave home or go to bed.

Nineteen people were left homeless after their shacks burned to the ground in Mondesa, near Swakopmund, on Monday.

The department of works from the Swakopmund municipality was on site to clear the area while the offices of the Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor handed out food, mattresses, blankets, clothes, and other basic necessities to those affected by the fire.

Keetmanshoop Electricity Department detects illegal electricity connections


Almost 1000 illegal electricity connections were detected by the Keetmanshoop Electricity Department, despite an amnesty issued last year to those who have been bypassing electricity meters.

The Keetmanshoop municipality has an active customer base of about six thousand pre-paid electricity meters, which collectively contribute about N$90 million to its coffers annually.

Despite recording an increase in revenue collection from the distribution and supply of electricity, the municipality continues to record losses due to illegal electricity connections.