

Construction of DRC Police Station Progressing Well


Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, is satisfied with the progress made by the contractors that are building the N$20 million police station on the outskirts of Swakopmund's DRC informal settlement.

The police station is sponsored by Rossing Uranium.

Police Chief wants pending livestock cases fast tracked


The Inspector General of the Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, has appealed to the Police Anti-stock-theft subdivision and a regional prosecutors team to find the best modalities on how to speed up the process of finalising pending livestock cases. 

NamPol IG announces retirement readiness


The Inspector General of the Police, Joseph Shikongo, has expressed his readiness for retirement, despite speculations suggesting that his term might be extended.

RCA INTERVIEW | Amnesty Campaign


The Namibian Police is launching an amnesty campaign from the 01 September to the 30 September under the theme "together for a peaceful future."

This initiative encourages the public to voluntarily surrender unwanted firearms, ammunition, and armaments.

Human trafficking is still a matter of concern


The Police Inspector General, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, has called upon commanders in regions bordering with neighbouring countries to initiate joint efforts.

These include joint patrols and awareness-raising campaigns along the borders to curb the transnational trafficking of people.

Police reshuffle


Namibian Police Chief Joseph Shikongo stuck to his word to bring about change on Friday afternoon when he announced transfers, appointments, and promotions among the top brass that will be effective from the 1st of September.

Police called to prepare ahead of upcoming elections


The Police Inspector General, Joseph Shikongo, has called on members of the force to prepare themselves to maintain law and order during the upcoming November national elections .