Noordoewer residents protest poor service delivery
Frustrated Noordoewer residents are accusing the local settlement office, which renders municipal services, of failing to deliver adequate service.
Frustrated Noordoewer residents are accusing the local settlement office, which renders municipal services, of failing to deliver adequate service.
NamWater is implementing urgent measures to address water supply challenges at Opuwo.
In a statement, NamWater reaffirms its commitment to ensuring a reliable and potable water supply for the residents of Opuwo.
Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein, is worried about the progress of the Rundu Water Treatment Plant in the Kavango East Region.
Once operational, the Rundu Water Treatment Plant is expected to bring an end to the town's water crisis.
Stakeholders dealing with water affairs, specifically officials from the Water Ministry, the Namwater CEO and his officials, and regional and local authority officials led by Oshana and Omusati Governors, are gathered at Outapi to discuss water crisis-related matters in the Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto, and Ohangwena r
The water crisis in Rundu continues unabated.
Various households still go for hours without water every day, while some schools are still sending children home early due to the unavailability of water.
Access to potable water remains a challenge for many in rural areas.
A case in point is the residents of Sesheke in Zambezi's Kongola Constituency, who still walk distances to fetch water.
The ||Kharas Water and Drought Action Group has appealed to Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Carl Schlettwein to intervene and address the water crisis affecting communal farmers.
Teachers and learners are back at Ndama Junior Primary School after lessons were suspended for a week following a water crisis.
It was business as usual at Ndama Junior Primary School when the news team paid the establishment a visit on Thursday morning.
The town of Omuthiya in the Oshikoto Region is facing a serious water crisis, with many residents experiencing days, or even a week, without any water.
Henock Simon, a local resident, shared his frustrations, saying he has never seen water shortages like this before.
A water crisis continues to plague residents of various informal settlements in Rundu, Kavango East Region.
The latest to cry over the lack of this resource are residents of the Tumweneni informal settlement, who claim to have been without water since March last year.