Basters remember battle of Sam Khubis
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Scores of people of Rehoboth have converged at Sam Khubis to commemorate a battle between the Basters and German forces more than 100 years ago. Sam Khubis lies about 80 kilometres south-west of Rehoboth and was the scene of a battle between German Schuttstruppe and members of the Baster community. The commemorations kicked of yesterday with a mass church service in front of the Hermanus Van Wyk Memorial Hall where internationally renowned motivational speaker, Dr Dawid Malopo spoke on the need for people to live postively, having the objectives of spritual, economic, political freedoms as well as the need to strive for excellence. Pastor Martin van Wyk who led the church service also implored on the people to guard against materialism and self-enrichment, calling on the people of Rehoboth to unite in their push for a common destiny. The battle of Samkhubis took place on 8 May 1915, when the German colonial army attacked the Baster people who fled to Samkhubis. Faced with total annihilation by a better equipped German army, they prayed for divine intervention and not long after that the German troops withdrew.

Peter Denk