Miombo Mopane Woodland eco in the Kavango and Kunene Regions basin is said to be facing extensive degradation.
This was revealed during the Launch of the Integrated Landscape Management at Rundu.
The project aims to reduce, reverse and avoid further degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources in the mopane-miombo belt in northern Namibia.
Nghitila says the project will demonstrate how land degradation neutrality can be achieved through the adoption of sustainable integrated management of multi-use Miombo Mopane dry land.
The project is being implemented by the Ministries of Environment, Forestry and Tourism as well as that of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform in partnership with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
The Governor of Kavango East Region Bonifatius Wakudumo says the project's impact will only be felt if all stakeholders work together as a team.
The project is funded by the Global Environment Facilities at a cost of more than N$100 million.
Namibia contributed between N$160 to N$170 million.
The project will run for a period of five years.