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The National Assembly has unanimously approved the reappointment of Junias Kandjeke for another 5-year term.

The re-appointment of Kandjeke was recommended by President Hage Geingob and motivated by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila in the National Assembly today (Tue).

Kandjeke's first term as AG came into being in 2003.

MPs heaped praise on Kandjeke for the work he did over the 20 years he served in the position.

The parliamentarians feel that Kandjeke has tremendously improved the administration of local authorities and government offices that had disclaimers or adverse opinions.

But most MPs agreed that, while commending Kandjeke's work over the years, it was time to move on and appoint a new Auditor General as there are equally qualified other Namibians to occupy the position.

Others felt there were supposed to have been three or more nominations brought to the house for consideration.

Responding to an array of questions and queries from members of the house, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said everything is done through the law, and if there are changes to the appointment procedures, they will bring constitutional amendments to the house.

Photo Credits
The Namibian


Jefta Tjihumino