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Prime Minister urges participation in Citizen Satisfaction Survey


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called on the public and institutions to cooperate with the government during the Citizen Satisfactory Survey aimed at improving public service delivery.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila indicated that the previous survey did not meet the expected targets for good performance.

Kuugonglewa-Amadhila states that the findings are an indication that more needs to be done to ensure that planned activities respond to the needs of communities and bring about the transformation needed in the country.

PM urges public collaboration in education funding for economic growth


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called on the public to collaborate with the government in investing in the funding of education in order for Namibia to reach its economic potential and achieve sustainable growth.

Addressing attendees at the high-level tertiary education funding budget review dinner on Thursday, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila acknowledged the government’s limitations in the level of funding required by the education sector.

Personal driver recalls time with late President Geingob


Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be the driver of the Prime Minister, who at the time was second in charge of government?

nbc News reporter Luqman Cloete located the late President Hage Geingob's former personal driver, Ignatius Aloe Berend (60), who recalled his first encounter with him when he was the country's first Prime Minister. 

He first met the late statesman when he was assigned by his firm, Cohen BMW, to deliver a 7 Series BMW to the Office of the Prime Minister that was purchased for official use.

Africans should be custodians of their mineral resources


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa Amadhila has emphasised the importance of Africans taking responsibility for the custodianship and management of their mineral resources.

She delivered these remarks during the official opening of the Colloquium of African Geology in Windhoek.

Prime Minister Amadhila's statement aligns with Africa's ambitions to position itself as a global economic powerhouse, as outlined in the AU Agenda 2063.

Ehao Cultural Expo underway


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says cultural exhibitions are vital for society as they play a huge role in preserving and promoting Namibian cultures, safeguarding people's identities, and at the same time attracting local and international tourism.

She made these remarks when she officially opened the Ehao Cultural Expo underway at Okahao.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila says cultural products are important contributors to business growth.

At the same time, indigenous technologies can serve as a basis for industrial development.

President Geingob to host Danish and Dutch Prime Ministers


The Prime Ministers of the Netherlands and Denmark will undertake a joint working visit to Namibia on Monday.

State House, in a media statement, announced that Mark Rutte and Mette Frederiksen will be hosted by President Hage Geingob.

The joint visit is expected to present the three countries with a great opportunity to strengthen dialogue on global challenges and opportunities as well as widen and deepen coordinated and genuine partnerships.

There are still vulnerable children who do not have support - Premier


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila is concerned that despite the government's welfare programme, there are still vulnerable children who do not have support.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said this during a fundraising dinner for orphans and vulnerable children at Divundu in the Mukwe Constituency. 

The premier pointed out that government has in the past financial year provided grants to close to 200,000 senior citizens.

50,000 people with disabilities and over 8,000 have been assisted through a "conditional basic income grant to the tune of N$5 million. 

Prime Minister affirms government's continued commitment to social investment


The government allocates billions of dollars every year towards monthly allowances for old-age pensions, people living with disabilities, and other social safety nets.

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila reflected on the government's social investments during a belated independence celebration at Mbambi village in the Mukwe Constituency.

Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila stated that the allocations have benefited about one million Namibians and the aim is to reduce poverty in Namibia.

Finland ready to collaborate with Namibia - President Niinistö


Finland's President Sauli Niinistö met with Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila at State House this morning.

Niinistö informed Kuugongelwa-Amadhila that Finland is ready to collaborate with Namibia in areas that can be mutually beneficial.

"150 years is a long time, we have learned to know each other, and now that we are looking to the future, it is a valuable asset that we know, it helps us also to answer for the future which I want to tell you there is a business delegation that is trying to find ways that we both can benefit together."

National Assembly approves reappointment of Junias Kandjeke


The National Assembly has unanimously approved the reappointment of Junias Kandjeke for another 5-year term.

The re-appointment of Kandjeke was recommended by President Hage Geingob and motivated by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila in the National Assembly today (Tue).

Kandjeke's first term as AG came into being in 2003.

MPs heaped praise on Kandjeke for the work he did over the 20 years he served in the position.