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Political office bearers, regional and local council technocrats, bidders, and the general public in the ||Kharas Region will now have a better understanding of the Code of Good Practices on Preferences of the Public Procurement Act.

This is made possible by the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises, which is hosting a four-day training on the Act.

The Code of Good Preferences, as defined in the recently amended Public Procurement Act, aims to grant exclusive preference to local suppliers through the reservation of certain procurement goods, works, and services.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises is conducting awareness sessions to make sure that everybody is on par.

"We will also discuss with them the Code of Good Practices and Preference, the preference -- there are two preferences, the exclusive preference, and the national preference -- which put aside procurement to be assigned to local suppliers and the national preference, whereby we are going to see how we are going to give preference to our national supplier when they compete with foreign bidders. I think, in a nutshell, those are the issues we will discuss with the leadership," explained Dr. Jafet Nelongo, MoF Director for Professionalization and Capacity Strengthening.

Participants will also be introduced to the E-Government Procurement System. 

In his welcoming remarks, ||Kharas Regional Council Chairperson Joseph Isaack urged participants to actively engage in discussions.

"I am actually encouraging all participants this morning to actively engage and ask questions, because this is the right platform to ask questions that matter, to ask questions where the law is vague and ambiguous for us because we might be literal interpreters, but when it comes to texts, we need assistance from other people."



Luqman Cloete