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The Swakopmund municipality's Project Shine has received N$190,000 from various sponsors to keep the town and surrounding areas clean.

Since its launch in 2007, Project Shine has played a significant role in promoting cleanliness, recycling, and improving the social welfare of the Swakopmund community.

The town mayor, Dina Namubes, says through this project, residents are encouraged to dispose of their waste in a responsible way and be mindful of the problem that litter presents.

"The awareness component of the project further focuses on creating awareness about understanding sustainability on a fundamental level, and in that we continuously promote and accentuate the importance of a clean environment, the benefits of recycling, and contributing to the social improvement of our town."

Lydia Mutenda is General Manager for Health Services at the Swakopmund Municipality. "A clean environment is very important for every citizen in Swakopmund. We encouraged all the citizens of Swakopmund to start cleaning their homes and to stop dumping on the open spaces our kids are playing in. That's our responsibility as adults to protect our children and the community."

Rössing Uranium, the main sponsor, pledged N$100,000 as well as evaluating services and a pickup truck to ensure an effective evaluation of duties.

Namibia Breweries and the First National Bank of Namibia pledged N$80,000 and N$10,000, respectively.

The project is composed of two main environmental activities, namely a clean-up and an awareness campaign.

Initially, the cleanup campaign under the project focused on the main road from Swakopmund to Arandis.

However, this has now been extended to include the beaches and other open spaces within Swakopmund.

Photo Credits
Stefan |Uirab


Stefan |Uirab