First Lady Monica Geingos has extended condolences on behalf of her family to the Kangungu family, who lost 13 family members after they consumed poisonous mahangu pap.

Geingos described the incident as heartbreaking and devastating, saying, "I pray for the lives of those who remain hospitalised. I speak in unison with many Namibians in expressing my heartfelt condolences to Mr. Godfried Shishugho Kangungu and the entire Kangungu family during this period of unspeakable grief."

She continues, "This profound loss has left me deep in reflection on the fragility of life and the importance of community care and kindness."

13 people, ages ranging from two to 16 years old, from one family have died, while four others are in critical condition.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Services indicated that the family members consumed poisonous or toxic porridge made with pearl millet or mahangu flour and added dried and pounded fermented sediment from a home-made beverage or beer locally known as mundevere.



Emil Xamro Seibeb