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Monica Geingos addresses health inequities at Abu Dhabi Global Healthcare Week


The Chairperson of the One Economy Foundation, Monica Geingos, is in the United Arab Emirates for the inaugural session of Abu Dhabi Global Healthcare Week, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Health Department in Abu Dhabi, Mansoor Al Mansoori.

The Abu Dhabi Global Healthcare Week (ADGHW) is a borderless partnership committed to highlighting healthcare and life sciences to solve tomorrow's healthcare challenges. 

Merck Foundation grants scholarships to train Namibian doctors


The Merck Foundation of Germany has provided scholarships to train 68 local medical doctors in Namibia.

During the Merck Foundation Annual Summit in Windhoek, members of Namibia's Alumni Association expressed their gratitude.

With advances in technology and the emergence of new diseases, medical practitioners need to continue upskilling, especially in developing countries. 

Hence, the Merck Foundation's philanthropic arm, Merch KGAA, Germany, which aims to improve the health and well-being of people, offered scholarships to medical professionals.

Aukoredi presents condolences, traditional attire to former first lady Monica Geingos


In a touching display of solidarity and cultural support, the Aukoredi visited the former First Lady Monica Geingos to offer their condolences and provide her with traditional Damara attire for mourning. 

The gesture was aimed at honouring the local customs and traditions.

Since 2016, the Aukoredi has shared a friendship with the First Lady, characterised by the exchange of traditional Damara dresses and engagement in cultural activities. 

Public Service Commission pays homage to former First Lady Monica Geingos, family


The Public Service Commission visited Casa Rosalia to express their condolences to former First Lady Monica Geingos and her family.

The team was led by the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission, Salmaan Jacobs, who signed the book of condolence and expressed their support during this difficult time.

NA MP's express sympathy to Monica Geingos


Members of Parliament collectively offered words of encouragement to Monica Geingos, the widow of the late President Hage Geingob, urging her to remain resilient during this challenging time.

With emotional words, they encouraged Geingos to stay strong, emphasising the importance of perseverance.

Recalling the pivotal role played by the late President Hage Geingob, MPs highlighted his commitment to combating tribalism, his implementation of inclusive policies, and his compassionate care for both the youth and vulnerable populations.

nbc apologises to Monica Geingos for wrongly attributing a tribute song


The nbc wishes to apologise to the widow of the late President, Monica Geingos, for wrongly attributing a tribute song to her, written and performed in honour of President Hage Geingob by Esme Katjikuru.

In the report, we erroneously stated that the song was written by the former First Lady, Monica Geingos, which is not the case.

The report also wrongly attributed the emotions and sentiments expressed in the song to the former First Lady, instead of the musician Esme Katjikuru.

nbc revisits wedding anniversary of late President Geingob, former first lady on Valentine Day


The late President, Dr. Hage Geingob, and his widow, Monica Geingos, would have celebrated nine years of their wedding anniversary tomorrow.

The couple said "I Do" on February 14, 2015.

It was in 2015 when Namibians celebrated the first-ever state wedding, just a few weeks before witnessing the swearing-in of the country's third president.

Dr. Geingob had just won the 2014 presidential race and was the president-elect when he tightened the knot.

One Economy Foundation raises N$4.2 million at fundraising gala dinner


The One Economy Foundation has raised about N$4.2 million at its eighth annual fundraising gala dinner.

The funds will be used for youth and adolescent development in various fields.

President Hage Geingob was the guest of honour at the event.

The First Lady, Monica Geingos, described the One Economy Foundation as a stewardship of development to link what is described as the first economy, consisting of middle- and high-income earners, and the second economy, consisting of low-income earners, towards one balanced economy.

#BeFree Youth Campus officially opened


The #BeFree movement has opened the doors of the much-anticipated multipurpose youth centre.

The launch was attended by high-level government officials and the first ladies of Angola and Siera Leon.

The #BeFree Youth Campus, which is located in Katutura, was just an idea a few years ago.

The one-stop centre has now finally and officially opened its doors to the target group.

It will serve as a recreational centre for the youth as well as provide essential health services, psychosocial support, and a space for creativity.