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President Hage Geingob has expressed his desire to witness a significant increase in the participation of young people at the Omagongo Cultural Festival and various other cultural festivals held across the country.

The President believes that such involvement will enable the youth to gain a deeper understanding of their own cultural heritage as well as that of their neighbouring communities.

Dr. Geingob said this during the opening of this year's Omagongo cultural festival, held at Ohamautsi village under the auspices of the Ombalantu traditional authorities.

President Hage Geingob emphasises the importance of active participation by young people in cultural events on their path to learning and embracing Namibia's rich culture and traditions.

He expresses concern that a lack of proper cultural guidance can lead to disconnection from one's identity, roots, and future direction.

"Together as a nation, let us take part in all our cultural activities and enlighten the young generation to value the importance of our diverse cultures and traditions. Culture is a vital element in any nation's existence, development, and future prosperity."
The Omagongo festival serves as a celebration of the diverse and vibrant living heritage of the Namibian people, contributing to the nation's unity and building a strong and diverse Namibia.

Anna Nghipondoka, Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, highlights the significance of cultural festivals like Oshituthi shoMagongo, not only as symbols of unity and human creativity but also as opportunities for sustainable development, employment creation, and collaborative research.

"Their continued revitalization of this ancient catalyst of unity today, gives us hope of a generational transmission of this social practice which promotes the identity of the Aawambo people."

Founding President Sam Nujoma, in a speech delivered on his behalf, urges the Namibian people and Africa as a whole to remain vigilant against the imposition of foreign norms and values that contradict African cultural traditions.

"In this regard I want to join the 8 traditional authorities in the north and many others Namibian in condemning same sex marriage agenda  that is being advanced in our country and I concur with Chief Immanuel Gased, the Acting Chairman of the council of traditional leaders when he said that this is not the kind of freedom Namibian people had in mind when they fought for the total liberation of this country."

In the following year, the Omagongo Cultural Festival will be celebrated twice annually, with events held both at Ondonga and Ombandja Traditional Authorities.

During the festival, women demonstrated the traditional procession of Omagongo, and attendees had the opportunity to enjoy the Omagongo beverage.

Photo Credits
Namibian Sun


Tonateni Haimbodi