Government communication officers must strive to make communication channels more accessible to all citizens, regardless of location or socio-economic status.
This reminder was made by the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Peya Mushelenga, who urged the officers to give accurate information promptly and transparently.
The communication officers are gathered in Swakopmund for a five-day workshop that focuses on the government's communication strategy.
"Effective communication is at the heart of a functioning democracy. It is the key medium through which government officials can engage the public, educate and inform them about government policies and programmes, and obtain feedback and suggestions on how best they expect their government to serve them in all areas of our governance architecture. Our citizens have a right to know what is happening in their government, and it is our responsibility to provide them with accurate information promptly and transparently."
The workshop is expected to develop and adopt social media user guidelines, which will serve as a blueprint for the government's online communication.
"Social media has emerged as a game changer in communicating with our stakeholders. This makes it important for us to further develop the draft social media guidelines that will guide us on what to post and when, how to respond to comments, and how to handle sensitive information in a manner consistent with our democratic norms and culture, encompassing consistency, transparency, and effective governance," said Dr. Audrin Mathe, the ministry's Executive Director.