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A movement calling for the immediate release of arrested activist Michael Amushelelo is growing on social media.

Amushelelo was arrested on Namibia’s 33rd Independence Day.

Amushelelo, together with fellow activist Dimbulukeni Nauyoma and PDM lawmaker Inna Hengari, were arrested by the Namibian police after they arrived at the scene of a gathered crowd that had been mobilised to stage a protest against unemployment.

The trio said they were in the process of informing the crowd to disperse as their urgent application to the High Court to hold the protest was denied, and they were arrested shortly thereafter.

Amushelelo faces, among other charges, instigating public violence and malicious damage to property.

His next Court appearance is slated for July 24.

Photo Credits
FB- Fillemon Shikomba


Emil Xamro Seibeb