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The University of Namibia's Ogongo Campus held its annual rice harvest this year of 12 metric tonnes. The rice is sold locally.

Eleven years ago, Namibia-Japan launched the Rice and Mahangu Project at the Ogongo campus, which culminated in a well established venture, aimed at improving food security among smallholder farmers in northern Namibia.

Because of its demand, the campus needs to increase its rice production by introducing rice production in local seasonal wetlands and floodplains.
Vice Chancellor of UNAM, Prof. Kenneth Matengu, said the annual rice harvest serves a dual purpose of celebrating the achievement of the Namibia-Japan rice and mahangu project and sharing information about rice production technologies, which is part of community engagement. Out:

Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says wetland rice cultivation holds immense potential to uplift the lives of smallholder farmers.

Nandi-Ndaitwah underscored the urgent need for Namibia to adopt a proactive stance toward attaining self-reliance and sufficiency in food production and security.

"I believe in us to identify food production centres through the country, identify regions according to their capacity and the best quality of whatever products we produce. In that way, we will be able to ensure food security."

She lauded UNAM for its vital role in intensifying research initiatives.
 The event coincided with the rice and poultry farming equipment handover from DebMarine Namibia to the UNAM Ogongo Campus.



Tonateni Haimbodi